Alpha I Bet

By Peggie Cartwright

words… words… words
how they   twist and     turn
   sometimes     enveloping   each other
        to chew and change
    not knowing where they are going
why           they are going
why       they are there
         only to expandinto
    a    vainglorious moment
then quickly be smacked down
by some tiny like-fellow
of dubious distinction
with faster  more   crucial meaning
How they run          those words
loud   boisterous      soft     quiet
           whispering secrets
           thatshouldn’t be told
then      sudden screams of
those      that should and mustbe
where did they come from
where are they going
these                    words
those frightening    nasty  beautiful
English words, Anglo-Saxon to Norman
to Shakespearean created, tripping from
my tongue daily… sometimes poetic,
sometimes determined… accursed…
accusing… furious… fatuous… fleeting…
quick…save  me from the dictionary…
the Thesaurus… and all the loverly